Illustration, Concepting, Book Layout
Products & Deliverables
Movies, Motion Graphics, Website
Hugo von Hector lives in a world of children’s drawings and he’s upset that his work does not portray his world. One day, as he takes a mysterious door, he finds forgotten artwork to collect and appreciate. The story shows kids that their work is worth appreciating, creating, and collecting. If one day their work were to go missing, it may be in the hands of Hugo von Hector: the Kids’ Art Collector.
A Glimpse at the Process
Knowing the theme and direction of the book early on from the client's vision and script, we had to visually portray we were on the same page. As an art collector, is Hugo a snobby critic, or a frantic collector? When we emulate children's drawings, there is a whimsical inaccuracy, but how do we make it clear to all readers what is being drawn?