Oath Agency


Oath Agency

As Co-Founder of Oath Agency I was responsible for client projects as well as our own branded designs.

As Co-Founder of Oath Agency I was responsible for client projects as well as our own branded designs.


Illustration, Animation


Brand Collateral, Social Media Assets

Charming Brand Education

Various social media posts for Instagram, Facebook, and blog cover illustrations advertising our content and social media presence. This was our opportunity to showcase our skills, brand, and updates for the agency.

Branded social that communicates our services

Using holidays to show off our illustration skills

Hero image for our article about the importance of digital presence

Using holidays to show off our illustration skills

Newsletter reminder to keep us top of mind

A Token of Appreciation

For the holiday season, we sent our clients a branded bandana and card. This was not only to show our appreciation towards our clients but also to send subtle nods to past favorites.

Bandana we illustrated and printed as a client present

Illustrated card with hand-written note on back

Oath's co-founder, Becca, modelling the bandana

Other Work

Other Work

ABC News


Oath Agency (current)
